On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Alan <lameventa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Erhard Schwenk <eschw...@fto.de> wrote:
>> Alan wrote:
>>> How about heatsinks?
>>> I'm thinking about these:
>>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835708009
>>> I could use 4 for the CPU and 1 for the CS5536, but I'm not sure how
>>> well they will perform without any fan or airflow.
>>> What have other people in the mailing list done to lower the
>>> temperature? Is 68-70 degrees normal?
>> We have several net5501 and net4801 working in standard Cases as well as
>> in double-board 1U 19" Cases, all using 2,5" Hard Disks or SSD. There
>> was only one machine up to now we noticed higher temperatures than
>> hand-warm on any component and in that case the Problem was that it was
>> lying on top of a very heat-producing switch in a Rack without any Fans.
>> So this sounds a little bit strange. What variant of net5501 do you have
>> there and what peripherials are connected to it?
> I have a net5501-70 with 512Mb of ram, 8Gb sandisk cf, a mini-pci
> AR5008 wifi, and a Digium TDM422 pci card.  The cpu load is below 5%
> constantly, yet the temperature reported by lm_sensors is 67-70
> celsius.  It goes down to 54-56 if I keep the enclosure open.
> This is a picture of the system:
> http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/7826/img1536z.jpg
> The system hangs after a few hours of use, but I'm not sure its
> because of the temperature, because although it hangs more often when
> its hot, it also happens when the enclosure is open.
> There are no strange kernel messages, and I have enabled
> CONFIG_X86_MCE and CONFIG_X86_MCE_AMD (Machine Check / overheating
> reporting).
> I don't understand why the CPU gets so hot when its idling, I also
> enabled CONFIG_NO_HZ, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
> Any ideas?

Are you sure your power supply is equipped to handle the load of the
board, WiFi, and that Digium card? Since the Digium requires an extra
molex power connector, I'm wondering if the system is getting enough
power. What is your power supply rated for?

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