Hi all,

I have tried this instruction that was listed on the Wiki site 

I wonder if anyone has used that information and got it working on a net5501?

After many hours of testing, 'googling', fine-tuning and so on, I am now OK up 
until step 8.

Or rather it is in step 8 where it doesn't work like expected.

After I chose ANSI or VT100 terminal I get a long list like:
acpi0_check: nexus0 attached
acpi0_check: legacy0 attached
acpi0_check: cpu0 attached

52 items are listed.

The process always freeze on the last one for net5501.

If I use the same kernel and setup for a net4801, I do get a sysinstall menu. 
I.e. all the acpi0_checks are still there, but it doesn't freeze.

I've tried with including/excluding different options in the kernel without 
any success.

I also tried to add info in loader.conf about non-existing acpi but it doesn't 
look like it helps.

I have tried FreeBSD 7.2 since this is what I had installed on the laptop.

Thanks for any input.

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