On Saturday 28 August 2010 11.51.09 Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
> Hi
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 11:15, Goran Sandin wrote:
> > I am trying to build a NanoBSD image.
> >
> > I added a few packages that I want to include.
> >
> > I can see in the _.cust.install_packages log that one of the packages is
> > expecting the user to make a choice:
> >
> > "Would you like me to set up log rotation [y]?"
> >
> > Is it possible to just provide a CR somehow to accept default choices for
> > any possible question like the one above?
> Try setting BATCH=yes in the environment - ports are supposed to honor
>  this, but unfortunately not all do. Which port is this?
> Regards
> Brix
Thanks, this worked :-)

It is munin-common-1.4.3_2 and I'm using FreeBSD 7.3

So far it doesn't survive a reboot.

There is a config file where a location for pid-file is stated. If I change 
the default directory for this pid-file, the program doesn't start properly.

/var/run/munin must exist when munin-node is started. If it doesn't exist, the 
pid-file can not be created and the program start-up exits.

Is there a way to re-create /var/run/munin when nanobsd start?

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