I have the same problem.  This goes away when I stop using the
mini-pci wifi card and use an external access point on one of the
ethernet ports.  I have this problem with two completely different
mini-pci wifi cards (atheros and broadcom).  My theory is that maybe
the cards overheat, and I'm thinking that a heatsink on the wifi cards
chipsets might help. You might want to try that too and let us know if
it helps.


2010/9/19 JOORIS Emmanuel <ejoo...@imaginnov.com>:
> I have hit a crash :
> ------ top ------
> top - 17:17:20 up 23:04,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.00
> Tasks:  71 total,   1 running,  70 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
> Cpu(s): 1.9%us, 0.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 95.5%id, 0.0%wa, 1.0%hi, 1.0%si,  0.0%st
> Mem:    515724k total,   226276k used,   289448k free,    41176k buffers
> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   121800k cached
> 12175 mahoru    20   0  2280 1192  840 S  1.3  0.2   2:11.26 bwm-ng
> 11231 mahoru    20   0  2252 1112  880 R  1.0  0.2   3:43.81 top
>  3832 mysql     20   0  124m  27m 4924 S  0.3  5.5   3:09.31 mysqld
>    1 root      20   0  1976  676  584 S  0.0  0.1   0:01.11 init
> ------ bwm-ng ------
>  bwm-ng v0.6 (probing every 0.500s)
>  input: /proc/net/dev type: rate
>    iface          Rx           Tx        Total
>  ===============================================
>      lo:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>    eth0:  30.84 KB/s   24.24 KB/s   55.07 KB/s
>    eth1:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>    eth2:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>    eth3:  23.80 KB/s   30.66 KB/s   54.46 KB/s
>   wlan0:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>     br0:  30.11 KB/s   24.19 KB/s   54.30 KB/s
>     br1:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>  tun6to4:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
> vpn0-tcp:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
> vpn0-udp:   0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
> mon.wlan0:  0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s    0.00 KB/s
>  -----------------------------------------------
>   total:  84.64 KB/s   78.98 KB/s  163.62 KB/s
> ---- brctl show (after reboot)-------
> bridge name   bridge id         STP enabled  interfaces
> br0           8000.000024cc54d4 no           eth0
>                                             eth1
>                                             vpn0-tcp
>                                             vpn0-udp
> br1           8000.000024cc54d6 no           eth2
>                                             wlan0
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> if you need other info, i'm here :)
> Regards
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