While in the process of updating my stable from FreeBSD 8.0R to 8.1R, I was a 
bit put off when the nanoBSD script couldn't find the kernel configuration 
file.  Specifically "Missing kernel configuration" (for those Googling) when it 
starts to build the kernel.   Since I had built an 8.0R nanoBSD image just 
hours before, I was pretty sure the kernel configuration was right where it was 
supposed to be.  So time to look for script changes.  A quick trip to the CVS 
logs turned up the clue:
> MFC 205980:
>   Stop hard coding i386 as the arch for the build.  Instead, default to the
>   processor we're running on.  Also, supply amd64 version of create_diskimage
>   that's the same as i386's.
>   # didn't fix the confusion between using the processor for this and using
>   # the machine (which would be more appropriate).  NANO_ARCH smashes the two
>   # together right now.

Anyway, if you're building nanoBSD for a Soekris on anything but an i386 (IA32) 
build platform, you now need to add "NANO_ARCH=i386" to your nanoBSD 
configuration file.

There appear to be ipfw related changes, too, but I just ran into that and am 
still investigating.   I do recall they merged ipfw and ipfw6 configurations in 
8.1, but I am only using IPv4, hmm.  Got to boot back to 8.0 so I can get back 
to the web and find out.  Saved again by nanoBSD's dual partitions.

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