Improvements here:

Greg Troxel [] wrote:
> I have a net5501 that used to run NetBSD 5.  I updated to -6, and it's
> been fine for quite a while.  I just updated to -6 from yesterday, which
> includes an improvement to vr(4) to not reset the chip when going in and
> out of promiscuous mode.  (Before there was a ~1s hiccup when
> running/exiting tcpdump.)
> When I updated, I rebooted, and the machine did not come back onto the
> net.  Visiting it and experimenting, I found:
>   booting from applying power worked fine
>   rebooting led to the system being up but vr0 being nonfunctional
>   on the up/no-vr0 system, running tcpdump printed a message:
>     vr0: using force reset command.
>   and then it worked ok.
> This is the change that I think might be relevant:
>   sys/dev/pci/if_vr.c                             1.112 via patch
>         Reset the vr(4) chip if the tx engine gets stuck.  No need to
>         do a full reset when enabling/disabling promiscuous mode.
>         [taca, ticket #783]
> I wonder if anyone else is seeing this.

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