
> > does the soekris
> > 4801
> > will
> > support all this traffic ?
> The 4801 is very limited and realistically scales up to 4kpps
> to 10kpps depending on the OS. 
> The pfsense web interface is very heavy and modern versions
> don't even run on boxes like the 4801 due to RAM limitations.
> You are better off with a 5501 or 6501 box. 

I have been using pfSense on a 5501 and a 6501 with load balancing over
2 ADSL lines. It works quite good. Web access to pfsense interface is
quicker on 6501 device. If you have a lot of connected computer on you
lan, you should use a device with high CPU. It increases WAN access

I had an issue with the net6501 that deals with faulty SSD drive. Use as
much as possible nanoBSD version and redirect syslog events to an
internal syslog server.


Éric Boudrand

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