I've inherited a 6501 from someone who doesn't remember what speed the
serial port was left at, and isn't even sure if there's an OS on the

I'm trying to get started with booting the machine, but can't even get
past step one: after trying two dud cables, I've got one that I'm pretty
sure is crossover, but no matter what the speed and settings, I get
gibberish on the console. I've spent several hours trying all reasonable
settings, starting with 19200/8N1/no flow, and going out from there.

But I only get one short-ish line of gibberish -- the higher the speed,
the longer the line. It sure doesn't look like a splash screen of any
sort, and the router does not go on to boot an OS. Just the one line,
then silence. Typing or hitting ^P has no effect at any stage.

So I'm assuming I'm hitting some early-stage error, and the line I'm
seeing is simply a note to that effect (though I don't know why I can't
get it to come through clearly).

Does this look like anything familiar to anyone? Any guesses as to what
the error might be -- if there's a reasonably small pool of possible
errors, I guess I could just try addressing them one by one to see if I
hit it by accident. I have already tried wiggling most of the plugs :)

Thanks in advance for any thoughts,

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