Hi Conrad,

On 13/09/14 21:20, Conrad Kostecki wrote:
> Recently my net6501 started to have problems with a reboot.
> After executing a reboot from Linux, the net6501 is stopping and does not 
> boot again.
> I've to push manually the reset button, in order to get the boot started 
> again.

have you checked the serial console at this moment?

What kind of storage device have you chosen for your net6501?

We have a couple of net6501 with the Transcend TS4GMSA500. These all
fail to boot approx. 1 out of 10 times.

The issue looks like this:


1024 Mbyte Memory                        CPU Atom E6xx 1000 Mhz

SATA AHCI BIOS ver. 0.61 20121115  Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Intel Corporation

Controller Bus#02, Device#06, Function#00: 02 Ports, 01 Devices
  Port-00: Hard Disk,
  Port-01: No device detected

Soekris USB Expansion ROM ver. 1.01  20111203

Initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent GE v1.3.72
PXE 2.1 Build 089 (WfM 2.0)

   Seconds to automatic boot.
GRUB loading.
Welcome to GRUB!

error: hd0,msdos1 cannot get C/H/S values.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>
I notice the missing TSA... identification of the Transcend SSD which
normally looks like this:

"  Port-00: Hard Disk, TS4GMSA500                     "

At this point the box has to be resetted hard. Even the escape to the
embedded uC does not work anymore:

grub rescue> +++
Unknown command `+++'
grub rescue> +++

Steps to reproduce:

Put the following in /etc/rc.local:

date >>/var/log/sekris_boot.log

We have informed Soekris about this.

The issue seems to be known for quite a while now [1] [2].

We do not know of any workaround.

Best regards,

Martin Sofaru

[1] http://lists.soekris.com/pipermail/soekris-tech/2013-March/018864.html
[2] http://lists.soekris.com/pipermail/soekris-tech/2014-January/019158.html

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