Pekka Pessi wrote:
On 12/11/06, Colin Whittaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've started using DNS, and it appears that I must specify the FQDN for
the proxy or registrar, and that the DNS server must have any entry.
Is there a way to get the sresolv module to use the /etc/hosts file ?
I've setup nsswitch.conf to use /etc/hosts first:
hosts:      files dns
But it doesn't appear to use /etc/hosts at all.

You are right, it does not use /etc/hosts or nsswitch.conf (or /etc/host.conf)
Hmm, seems like folks setting these things up would expect an application that uses DNS to use them. At least a lookup in /etc/hosts if DNS fails.
Also, it appears that it is not using the default domain in the
Is this true ?

That is correct. The default domain or search domains are only used
with sres_search(). The SIP/SIPS URI are resolved using three-phase
algorithm explained in RFC 3263 and with sres_query() which never uses
search domains.
It doesn't appear sres_search() is used by the NUA stack.
There are some problems with sres_query(), too (it abandons the search
after the initial absolute query fails).
This seems like a bad bug. If the DNS server ever looses contact, you basically loose all functionality until you bounce the stack.
I think I have seen this. If the DNS is not up when I start a REGISTER, I get a 503 error. Then when DNS is up, I try to REGISTER again, the stack never sends another DNS query and I get a 503 error. Forever. seem like a blocker to me. :-)

Do you think this something easy to fix ?  Should I start digging into it ?

There are a few open issues with using /etc/hosts or search domains.
At which point we should use /etc/hosts (or gethostbyname())? Should
nua or nta expand a host name in URI to a FQDN before sending it to a
I don't think the URI should be modified. If the URI is entered as just a host, I think it is reasonable to expect that all servers will be able to resolve that host as entered in the URI.

This far we have left these questions unanswered and regarded domain
names in URI as domain names, not host names.

I am using NUTAG_PROXY() and NUTAG_REGISTRAR(), which take URIs, but just specify hosts right ?
Here is where I really expected search domains to be used.

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