Hi there,

I'm seeing constant nua crashes when my application is under traffic.
I always get the following backtrace after the SIGSEGV:

(gdb) where

#0  0x400a2130 in nua_update_client_report (cr=0x9685940, status=900,
phrase=0x401084d7 "Internal NUA Error", sip=0x0,

    orq=0x0, tags=0x0) at nua_session.c:3109

#1  0x40094306 in nua_client_report (cr=0x9685940, status=900,
phrase=0x401084d7 "Internal NUA Error", sip=0x0, orq=0x0,

    tags=0x0) at nua_stack.c:2822

#2  0x40094161 in nua_base_client_response (cr=0x9685940, status=900,
phrase=0x401084d7 "Internal NUA Error", sip=0x0,

    tags=0x0) at nua_stack.c:2762

#3  0x4009e687 in nua_session_client_response (cr=0x9685940,
status=900, phrase=0x401084d7 "Internal NUA Error", sip=0x0)

    at nua_session.c:863

#4  0x4009388b in nua_client_response (cr=0x9685940, status=900,
phrase=0x401084d7 "Internal NUA Error", sip=0x0)

    at nua_stack.c:2478

#5  0x400930a0 in nua_client_request_try (cr=0x9685940) at nua_stack.c:2190

#6  0x40092e9f in nua_client_init_request (cr=0x9685940) at nua_stack.c:2098

#7  0x4009443e in nua_client_next_request (cr=0x9685940, invite=0) at

#8  0x400942b8 in nua_base_client_response (cr=0x839b118, status=408,
phrase=0x4010881c "Request Timeout", sip=0x957ddb4,

    tags=0x0) at nua_stack.c:2806

#9  0x4009e687 in nua_session_client_response (cr=0x839b118,
status=408, phrase=0x4010881c "Request Timeout", sip=0x957ddb4)

    at nua_session.c:863

#10 0x4009388b in nua_client_response (cr=0x839b118, status=408,
phrase=0x4010881c "Request Timeout", sip=0x957ddb4)

    at nua_stack.c:2478

#11 0x40093698 in nua_client_orq_response (cr=0x839b118,
orq=0x960b120, sip=0x957ddb4) at nua_stack.c:2381

#12 0x4007f55e in outgoing_recv (orq=0x960b120, status=408,
msg=0x957dd18, sip=0x957ddb4) at nta.c:8371

#13 0x4008025f in outgoing_reply (orq=0x960b120, status=408,
phrase=0x4010881c "Request Timeout", delayed=0) at nta.c:8688

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

#14 0x4007e0a4 in outgoing_timeout (orq=0x960b120, now=-647435610) at nta.c:8010

#15 0x4007de62 in outgoing_timer_bf (q=0x8128040, timer=0x4011a12b
"F", now=-647435610) at nta.c:7953

#16 0x40088967 in outgoing_timer (sa=0x8127e90, next=-647435529) at nta.c:7875

#17 0x40070c41 in agent_timer (rm=0x8126960, timer=0x8127960,
agent=0x8127e90) at nta.c:746

#18 0x400d6bd5 in su_timer_expire (timers=0x8126cac,
timeout=0xbf3ffab0, now={tv_sec = 3405261630, tv_usec = 118073})

    at su_timer.c:533

#19 0x400d7c93 in su_base_port_run (self=0x8126c88) at su_base_port.c:328

#20 0x400d0aaa in su_root_run (self=0x81276a0) at su_port.h:309

#21 0x400d8542 in su_pthread_port_clone_main (varg=0xbf5ff8dc) at

#22 0x4014b0ce in pthread_start_thread (arg=0xbf3ffc00) at manager.c:291

(gdb) p ss

$1 = (nua_session_usage_t *) 0x0


Considering that there are only sofia addresses in the trace, is this
an internal sofia bug or is it possible that my application is
misbehaving and causing the crash?
This is on vanilla 1.12.7 minus the patch that caused the memory leaks.
Thanks in advance.

Fabio Margarido

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