Hello all,

at the moment I seem to have a problem similiar to that one described in a mail 
Michael Jerris some months ago.

>>[Sofia-sip-devel] bad contact adress.
>>Michael Jerris
>>Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:48:25 -0700

>>We have a problem where we send an invite to a client behind nat, that is
>>registered to us.  When they respond 100, the contact address is incorrectly
>>an internal 192.168 adress, and all our responses after that (prack for
>>example) try to go to the unroutable 192 address.  Are there tags that can
>>turn on detection of this or change this behavior?


In my scenario a client (with sofialib) registers with to my application 
(nua-api, sofia 1.12.8) over tls.
Because of the already know problem the client does not write the used tcp port 
the contact header, but the port specified with NUTAG_SIPS_URL in nua_create().

If I want to call this client through the open tcp/tls-connection know, I 
dont't send the request to the port used 
I received in contact-header, but to the port really used by the client (I save 
the port when i receive the register
from the client and put it into the to-header in my outgoing invite). 

This works and the tcp/tls-connection opened by client for the register request 
is re-used for the invite.
But when I the send an ACK or BYE to the client, the stack always uses the port 
the client
specified in contact-header in register.

Is there any known solution to this problem? Can I specifiy the destination 
port when calling
nua_bye() or nua_ack()?

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