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Fri Dec 19 18:51:02 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * tport_logging.c: do not use stamp as format string
  Original patch by Mike Jerris.

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/tport/tport_logging.c -2 +1

Fri Dec 19 16:38:53 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * nta.c: be consistent with maxsize and max_proceeding types
  Original patch by Mike Jerris

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/nta/nta.c -3 +3

Mon Dec 15 17:16:20 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * su_alloc.c: always unlock home before destroying mutexes

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/su/su_alloc.c -9 +7

Mon Dec 15 18:57:06 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * sresolv: made sres_record_class static
  Should never been global.

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/sresolv/sres.c -1 +2

Mon Dec 15 18:43:17 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * test_nua.c: made usage static

    M ./tests/test_nua.c -1 +1

Mon Dec 15 18:54:36 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * RELEASE: mention removed globals

    M ./RELEASE +10

Mon Dec 15 18:50:21 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * sofia-resolv/sres_cache.h: added prototype for sres_cache_clean()

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/sresolv/sofia-resolv/sres_cache.h +3
    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/sresolv/sres_cache.c -1 +7

Mon Dec 15 18:33:40 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * sofia-sip/heap.h: added protype for su_smoothsort()

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/su/sofia-sip/heap.h -3 +10

Mon Dec 15 18:33:16 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * su_tag.h: added prototype for tl_vllen()

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/su/sofia-sip/su_tag.h +1

Mon Dec 15 18:32:55 EET 2008  Pekka Pessi <>
  * su_tag_class.h: added prototypes for tag functions
  Protypes for t_filter(), t_null_filter(), t_end_filter(),
  t_socket_snprintf(), t_socket_ref_set() have been missing.

    M ./libsofia-sip-ua/su/sofia-sip/su_tag_class.h +10

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