Dear Pekka, all
        We are trying to implement a MSRP (RFC 4975) parser.
We are evaluating the possibility to use sofia-sip built-in parser, since MSRP 
is quite similar to SIP/HTTP protocols.
We successfully used msg_parser.awk to generate the MSRP message class and MSRP 
header classes.
The only problem we faced is regarding the parsing of first line of MSRP 
Requests and responses in MSRP begins with the token MSRP followed by a space, 
but the current implementation of extract_first called by msg_extract function, 
relies on the presence of '/' char after the first token to distinguish between 
request or response(status).
Can you suggest us how to cope with this issue ?
Do you think that we should use always mc_request as first line , and choose 
later the right class ?
Do you think there is a chance to add , for instance, a function pointer to the 
msg_class_s structure to be used by extract_first for choosing between request 
and/or response(status), or something similar ?

Thanks very much in advance
Filippo Della Betta

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