2009/8/31 Kaustubh Madhav PATWARDHAN <kaustubh.patward...@st.com>:
> I am developing a fax gateway application using the Sofia SIP.
> Following is the sequence of SIP messages happening in that order between
> Calling and Called Gateways
> Both the gateways are running Sofia SIP
> Calling Gateay                                Called Gateway
> 1) INVITE (audio 9000 RTP..)     -----> 2) 200 OK (audio 9000 RTP...)
>                                                                       |
>                                                                       |
>                                                                      \/
> 4) 200 OK (image 0 UDPTL t38) <----- 3) INVITE (image 9000 UDPTL t38)
> When the Called Gateway sends the second INVITE for fax data, the Calling
> Gateway sends 200 OK, with image port set to 0. Then sending of fax data
> fails. I do not know, why the 200 OK should send image with port set to 0 ?
> Could you please provide your valuable insight and expert advice on this?

You should probably replace your user SDP with m=image line when
responding to 2nd INVITE?

If your user SDP does not have m=image line, then the explanation is
simple, m=image 0 means that the proposed fax transmission media in
2nd INVITE got rejected.

If you do have m=image line, then you have two options:

* use SOATAG_ORDERED_USER(1) and include only m=image line in user SDP
* use SOATAG_ORDERED_USER(0) (default) and include m=audio and m=image
lines in user SDP

Or then there might be a bug, so an example of the your session
including the SDPs sent in all 4 messages along with debugging output
with env variables NUA_DEBUG=9 SOA_DEBUG=9 would be very helpful...

Pekka.Pessi mail at nokia.com

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