
I compiled the latest sofia-sip software on Linux.
I downloaded also sofia-cli (sofsip-cli-0.16). I want to run it , if
possible , without a media.

"make" of sofia-cli  (after ./configure) fails ("make: *** No targets
specified and no makefile found.  Stop.")
How can I compile sofia-cli and link and run it with sofia-sip?
Should they have same root directory?

I didn't find the sofsip-cli/src/test_media tool to "verify that all
components are found":
See in http://wiki.opensource.nokia.com/projects/SofSipCli:
To verify that all components are found succesfully, run the
sofsip-cli/src/test_media tool. It will print a list of required
elements and whether they were found or not.

Thanks in advane.
Best Regards,
Eli Bergfreund

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