Dear all,

In sofia-sip nua reference page, it indicates we can retrieve tags
SOATAG_ACTIVE_AUDIO() when we get a nua_i_invite event. It is useful
if I could use that tag to check remote holding events. However, I
found I can not get SOATAG_ACTIVE_AUDIO() in nua_i_invite event. I can
only get its value in nua_i_state. My question is: Is there any
possibility to check remote holding in nua_i_invite? In my design, I
want to handle SDP negotiation in nua_i_state but all SIP related
things in their respective events.

Below are copied from nua reference page.
nua_i_invite Incoming call INVITE.

Indication of incoming call or re-INVITE request.

status  statuscode of response sent automatically by stack
phrase  a short textual description of status code
nh      operation handle associated with this call (maybe created for this call)
hmagic  application context associated with this call (maybe NULL if
call handle was created for this call)
sip     incoming INVITE request

Chris Han

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