Hello All,

I try to port sofia sip on android. For a subscription on a presecence
list I need to define in the TO header
something like "<sip:ch...@ims.com;pres-list=rcs>"
I do this as follow

std::string uri="sip:ch...@ims.com;pres-list=pres";
sip_to_t *sip_to= sip_to_format(ssc->home,"<%s>",uri.c_str());
nua_subscribe(op->op_handle, NUTAG_URL(uri.c_str()),
        SIPTAG_EXPIRES(exp), SIPTAG_EVENT_STR(event), SIPTAG_TO(sip_to), 

If I run the code, the application crash.  The crash happens when the
code calls the
"msghdrtag_dup(tagi_t *dst, tagi_t const *src, void **bb)" method more
exactly on line 141 "assert(b != NULL);" in file msg_tag.c

When I remove the SIPTAG_TO or i remove the <,> signs from sip_to, I
get a 200 response.
Using SIPTAG_TO_STR(..) I get a internal 900 error
Does anyone knows why I get a crash ? When I compile my code for x86 I
don't have this crash.



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