Dear Alexsander,

Yes, I am re-using the same nua_handle for repeated calls.

Mean time this is when the problem comes.

   1. When REGISTER goes out *Contact: <sip:>;q=0.1*
   2. The 200OK for that will contain *Contact:
   3. When this response comes, *msg_avlist_d()* gets called to parse the
   4. Inside that function, the parameters "*;q=0.3;expires=3600"* are
   parsed and saved
   5. This memory (32bytes) is never getting freed
   6. If next register goes with *q=0.3* , I can see that another 32byte is
   getting allocated.

I will post valgrind results soon.


anees k A

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Alexsander Petry <
> wrote:

> Are you using the same nua_handle (op->op_handle) for each REGISTER?
> Try to run with valgrind and post the results.
>  2013/6/17 Anees K A <>
>>  Hi,
>> I am using SIP REGISTER method to create a conference factory. For that I
>> am using 'q' factor parameter in REGISTER to let the server know of the
>> current load.
>> When q value changes, I am calling re-registration with new q value. I am
>> seeing that this second call is causing the application to allocate more
>> memory rather than using what is already allocated. If this operation is
>> let to run for 1 day, the memory usage can be seen as increasing.
>> The register call I use is as follows
>> nua_register(op->op_handle,
>>                     NUTAG_M_FEATURES('q=1.0'),
>>                     TAG_NULL());
>> Has anyone point me what I am doing wrong ?
>> Regards
>> anees k A
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