
I got good help from that mailing list last time. So I’ll try again to send my 
problems to you. 

When I’m sending a nua_invite message I get a DNS 503 error. 
I saw some mails in the archive concerning this problem, but I could not find a 
good answer for that problem. 

I am working with an iPhone and the newest version of sofia sip. 

The confusing is, that it worked two days ago and now it doesn’t. 
I didn’t changed anything in the code. 

Here’s my code: 
app.nua = nua_create(app.root,
        su_root_run (app.root);
 url_string_t *url = URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:mu...@iptel.org:5060") ;
    sip_to_t *to = sip_to_create(NULL, url);
    op.handle = nua_handle(app.nua, NULL,SIPTAG_TO(to), TAG_END());

    nua_invite(op.handle,SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 5004 RTP/AVP 0 8"), 

Here’s my output: 
su_socket_port_init(0x15e91590, 0x1201ac) called
su_pthread_port_init(0x15e91590, 0x1201ac) called
nua: nua_create: entering
su_socket_port_init(0x15e8fdf0, 0x1201ac) called
su_pthread_port_init(0x15e8fdf0, 0x1201ac) called
nua: nua_stack_init: entering
nua: nua_stack_set_params: entering
soa_create("default", 0x15eaef20, 0x15eafbd0) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15eb1710, ...) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15eb1710, ...) called
nta_agent_create: initialized hash tables
nta_agent_create: initialized transports
nta_agent_create: initialized random identifiers
nta_agent_create: initialized timer
nta_agent_create: initialized resolver
tport_create(): 0x15d60180
nta: master transport created
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180) to */
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for udp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15e68540
tport_listen(0x15e68540): listening at udp/
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for tcp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15e686e0
tport_listen(0x15e686e0): listening at tcp/
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for udp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15eb81e0
tport_listen(0x15eb81e0): listening at udp/
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for tcp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15e60cc0
tport_listen(0x15e60cc0): listening at tcp/
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for udp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15e5d490
tport_listen(0x15e5d490): listening at udp/
tport_bind_server(0x15d60180): calling tport_listen for tcp
tport_alloc_primary(0x15d60180): new primary tport 0x15e6ce70
tport_listen(0x15e6ce70): listening at tcp/
nta: bound to (;transport=*)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/udp (sip)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/tcp (sip)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/udp (sip)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/tcp (sip)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/udp (sip)
nta: agent_init_via: SIP/2.0/tcp (sip)
nta: Via fields initialized
nta: Contact header created
nua_register: Adding contact URL '' to list.
nua_register: Adding contact URL '' to list.
nua_register: ignoring contact candidate
nua: nh_create_handle: entering
nua: nua_invite: entering
nua(0x15d5af20): sent signal r_invite
nua: nua_stack_set_params: entering
soa_clone(static::0x15eb1710, 0x15eaef20, 0x15d5af20) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15e5c940, ...) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15e5c940, ...) called
soa_set_user_sdp(static::0x15e5c940, 0x0, 0x15d505ac, -1) called
soa_set_capability_sdp(static::0x15e5c940, 0x0, 0x15d505ac, -1) called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: selected IN IP4 (a local 
nua(0x15d5af20): adding session usage
soa_init_offer_answer(static::0x15e5c940) called
soa_generate_offer(static::0x15e5c940, 0) called
soa_static_offer_answer_action(0x15e5c940, soa_generate_offer): called
soa_static(0x15e5c940, soa_generate_offer): generating local description
soa_static(0x15e5c940, soa_generate_offer): upgrade with local description
soa_sdp_mode_set(0x2e23a88, 0x0, ""): called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: selected IN IP4 (a local 
soa_static(0x15e5c940, soa_generate_offer): storing local description
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x15e5c940, [0x0], [0x2e23b14], [0x2e23b10]) called
nta: selecting scheme sip
sres_cache_get(0x15d677e0, A, "iptel.org.") called
nta: for "iptel.org" query "iptel.org" A
sres_query(0x15d43120, 0x15ec03c0, A, "iptel.org") called
sres_send_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000) called
sres_sofia_update(0x15d5d0f0, 20, -1)
sres_send_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000) id=49536 A iptel.org (to 
nua(0x15d5af20): call state changed: init -> calling, sent offer
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x15e5c940, [0x2e23b18], [0x2e23b14], [0x0]) called
sres_resolver_receive(0x15d43120, 20) called
sres_resolver_receive: Connection refused
nua: nua_application_event: entering
I have received an event nua_i_state status 0 INVITE sent
sres_resolver_timer() called at 1384687764
sres_resend_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000, timeout) called
sres_send_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000) called
sres_send_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000) id=49536 A iptel.org (to 
sres_resolver_receive(0x15d43120, 20) called
sres_resolver_receive: Connection refused
. . . 

sres_resend_dns_query(0x15d43120, 0x15d50000, timeout) called
sres(q=0x15d50000): reporting error TIMEOUT_ERR for A iptel.org
nta: timer set to 32000 ms
nua(0x15d5af20): call state changed: calling -> init
nua(0x15d5af20): removing session usage
soa_destroy(static::0x15e5c940) called
nua: nua_application_event: entering
I have received an event nua_r_invite status 503 DNS Error
nua: nua_application_event: entering
I have received an event nua_i_state status 503 DNS Error
nua: nua_application_event: entering
I have received an event nua_i_terminated status 503 DNS Error

The problem is that sofia sip tries to call to 127.0.1. which is obviously not 
the IP of iptel.org. 

I hope some of you have a good answer for me. 

Thank you very much ! 

Alexander Heinrich

DreamFactory - Open Source REST & JSON Services for HTML5 & Native Apps
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