Good evening dear developers, 

I’m currently stuck in another problem. 
I am able to retrieve incoming calls. So my nua_create should be right. 

In my nua_invite I’m trying to connect to an IP Address directly. I am using 
IP4, but the computer which I try to call does run IP6, too. 
When I try to connect sofia sip is not able to find out the way to my computer 
and I get a timeout in the end. 

I am still using an iOS Device for testing, so I am not able to use the DNS 
Is it possible to deactivate the resolver directly in my code ? 

Here’s my invite: 

  url_string_t *url = URL_STRING_MAKE(“sip:alex@") ;
    sip_to_t *to = sip_to_create(NULL, url);

    op.handle = nua_handle(app.nua, NULL,SIPTAG_TO(to), TAG_END());
//    op.leg = nta_leg_tcreate(app.agent,nta_callback, NULL, SIPTAG_TO(to), 

    nua_invite(op.handle,SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0\n"
                                             "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\n"
                                             "v = 0\n"
                                             "c=IN IP4\n"
Here’s my Log Output: 

 SIP Address: sip:alex@ 
 --------nua: nh_create_handle: entering
nua: nua_invite: entering
nua(0x15e6c8d0): sent signal r_invite
nua: nua_stack_set_params: entering
soa_clone(static::0x15db2010, 0x15e3fc40, 0x15e6c8d0) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15e694d0, ...) called
soa_set_params(static::0x15e694d0, ...) called
soa_set_user_sdp(static::0x15e694d0, 0x0, 0x15e62c7c, -1) called
soa_set_capability_sdp(static::0x15e694d0, 0x0, 0x15e62c7c, -1) called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: selected IN IP4 (a local 
nua(0x15e6c8d0): adding session usage
soa_init_offer_answer(static::0x15e694d0) called
soa_generate_offer(static::0x15e694d0, 0) called
soa_static_offer_answer_action(0x15e694d0, soa_generate_offer): called
soa_static(0x15e694d0, soa_generate_offer): generating local description
soa_static(0x15e694d0, soa_generate_offer): upgrade with local description
soa_sdp_mode_set(0x2f6ca88, 0x0, ""): called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: prefer IP4 because of an existing c= line 
under m=
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: selected IN IP4 (a local 
address) (—> Defenetly the wrong address )
soa_static(0x15e694d0, soa_generate_offer): storing local description
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x15e694d0, [0x0], [0x2f6cb14], [0x2f6cb10]) called
nta: selecting scheme sip
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
nta: sent INVITE (898580898) to */
tport_pend(0x15e44ee0): pending 0x15e72460 for udp/ (already 0)
nta: timer set to 32000 ms
nta: timer shortened to 500 ms
nua(0x15e6c8d0): call state changed: init -> calling, sent offer
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x15e694d0, [0x2f6cb18], [0x2f6cb14], [0x0]) called
nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_state 
 Status 0  
 INVITE sent
 nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580898)
tport_release(0x15e44ee0): 0x15e72460 by 0x15e69030 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
nta: resent INVITE (898580898) to */
tport_pend(0x15e44ee0): pending 0x15e72460 for udp/ (already 0)
nta_outgoing_timer: 1/1 resent, 0/1 tout, 0/0 term, 0/1 free
nta: timer set next to 1000 ms
nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580898)
tport_release(0x15e44ee0): 0x15e72460 by 0x15e69030 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
nta: resent INVITE (898580898) to */
tport_pend(0x15e44ee0): pending 0x15e72460 for udp/ (already 0)
nta_outgoing_timer: 1/1 resent, 0/1 tout, 0/0 term, 0/1 free
nta: timer set next to 2000 ms
nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580898)
tport_release(0x15e44ee0): 0x15e72460 by 0x15e69030 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
nta: resent INVITE (898580898) to */
tport_pend(0x15e44ee0): pending 0x15e72460 for udp/ (already 0)
nta_outgoing_timer: 1/1 resent, 0/1 tout, 0/0 term, 0/1 free
nta: timer set next to 4000 ms
nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580898)
tport_release(0x15e44ee0): 0x15e72460 by 0x15e69030 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
nta: resent INVITE (898580898) to */
tport_pend(0x15e44ee0): pending 0x15e72460 for udp/ (already 0)
nta_outgoing_timer: 1/1 resent, 0/1 tout, 0/0 term, 0/1 free
nta: timer set next to 8000 ms
nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580898)
tport_release(0x15e44ee0): 0x15e72460 by 0x15e69030 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x15e44ee0) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x15e44ee0): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 686
. . . 

 Event nua_r_invite 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout
 nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_state 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout
 nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_terminated 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout

When I try using the SOATAG_ADDRESS Feature: 

  nua_invite(op.handle,SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 20000 RTP/AVP 0\n"
                                             "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\n"
                                             "v = 0\n"
                                             "c=IN IP4\n"

 SIP Address: sip:alex@ 
 --------nua: nh_create_handle: entering
nua: nua_invite: entering
nua(0x16ec9e40): sent signal r_invite
nua: nua_stack_set_params: entering
soa_clone(static::0x16ec08b0, 0x16d48e50, 0x16ec9e40) called
soa_set_params(static::0x16eca1b0, ...) called
soa_set_params(static::0x16eca1b0, ...) called
soa_set_user_sdp(static::0x16eca1b0, 0x0, 0x16eca144, -1) called
soa_set_capability_sdp(static::0x16eca1b0, 0x0, 0x16eca144, -1) called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: selected IN IP4 (a local 
nua(0x16ec9e40): adding session usage
soa_init_offer_answer(static::0x16eca1b0) called
soa_generate_offer(static::0x16eca1b0, 0) called
soa_static_offer_answer_action(0x16eca1b0, soa_generate_offer): called
soa_static(0x16eca1b0, soa_generate_offer): generating local description
soa_static(0x16eca1b0, soa_generate_offer): upgrade with local description
soa_sdp_mode_set(0x2ff4a88, 0x0, ""): called
soa_init_sdp_connection_with_session: using SOATAG_ADDRESS("”) 
(SOA seems to be accepted)
soa_static(0x16eca1b0, soa_generate_offer): storing local description
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x16eca1b0, [0x0], [0x2ff4b14], [0x2ff4b10]) called
nta: selecting scheme sip
tport_tsend(0x16ec2900) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x16ec2900): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 681
nta: sent INVITE (898580939) to */
tport_pend(0x16ec2900): pending 0x16ecaa30 for udp/ (already 0) 
(-> Still the wrong address)
nta: timer set to 32000 ms
nta: timer shortened to 500 ms
nua(0x16ec9e40): call state changed: init -> calling, sent offer
soa_get_local_sdp(static::0x16eca1b0, [0x2ff4b18], [0x2ff4b14], [0x0]) called
nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_state 
 Status 0  
 INVITE sent
 nta: timer A fired, retransmit INVITE (898580939)
tport_release(0x16ec2900): 0x16ecaa30 by 0x16ecb320 with 0x0
tport_tsend(0x16ec2900) tpn = */
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x16ec2900): not found by name */
tport_vsend returned 681
nta: resent INVITE (898580939) to */
. . . 
tport_release(0x16ec2900): 0x16ecaa30 by 0x16ecb320 with 0x0
nua(0x16ec9e40): call state changed: calling -> terminated
nua(0x16ec9e40): removing session usage
soa_destroy(static::0x16eca1b0) called
nta_outgoing_timer: 0/1 resent, 1/1 tout, 0/0 term, 0/1 free
nta: timer set next to 32000 ms
nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_r_invite 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout
 nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_state 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout
 nua: nua_application_event: entering

 Event nua_i_terminated 
 Status 408  
 Request Timeout

I think I just have to disable the DNS resolver. 
I hope you have some good ideas.

By the way. This is a very good mailing list. 

Alexander Heinrich

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