
On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Michael Jerris wrote:

> Kai!  long time no talk.  I'm fine with whatever folks want, just need a 
> little help as far as manpower to clean up what we have back to 
> something usable outside freeswitch.

sorry for the long silence. I've been kind of hoping somebody from the 
original team could have picked up and continued the coordination work, 
but that does not seem to happen (at least I can state I don't have the 
time and possibility to take this role), so indeed time to arrange for 
something else.

As the first step, I'd like to add you Mike as a admin of the sf.net 
project that hosts the current website. You have by far most merged 
patches in current codebase out of those still actively participating on 
the list. Even if you don't take over directly, you have the possibility 
to pass the project onwards (or at least add a redirect to the FreeSWITCH 

I understand there are concerns with moving completely to FreeSWITCH for 
those who've been using sofia-sip for other purposes, but there is quite a 
lot involved in running a full independent project. With FreeSWITCH, the 
codebase could be maintained with potentially less overhead, and in 
exchange for making the Sofia-SIP instance in FreeSWITCH tree more 
generally usable (if anything is needed to begin with to that end), 
FreeSWITCH infra could be used to review and merge patches to a single 
trunk (from the many gitorious trees that exist now). So potentially 
win-win for all involved.

But yeah, maybe I shouldn't intervene/propose anything beyond this, 
it's upto you who continue to decide.

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