On 09/04/2014 03:19 PM, Michael Jerris wrote:
> You can do the actual sdp structure as well.  For sure you will need the m 
> lines in the sdp, if you do the structure, it can be sparse just like the 
> string.

I rewrote my function to create the SDP as string and supply it to NUA 
that works just fine.

Another question though:

I tried to use SOATAG_LOCAL_SDP and SOATAG_REMOTE_SDP within my 
nua_i_state callback,
but it gives me an assertion:

WARNING: tag soa::remote_sdp directly used by tl_gets()
Assertion failed: tt->tt_class == ref_tag_class

Is it illegal to use these tags in that context?
Their _REF version are working.

How would I get the structure to the local SDP when I'm not in the 
nua_i_state callback?
Would I use soa_get_local_sdp() using the session object directly from 
the nua handle?
I mean like so:

soa_get_local_sdp( nua_handle->nh_soa, &l_sdp, NULL, NULL );

I don't feel safe accessing members of the nua handle directly, that's 
why I'm asking.

Thanks a lot,


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