The closest to a central maintained repo at this point is the copy in the 
freeswitch tree.  We will pull this out into a standalone repo sometime this 
summer before we do our next major version.  Unfortunately it seems like we are 
the last ones doing any maintaining of sofia-sip.  Making a way to choose 
between the two seems sane.  I'm probably the autotools guy who can help... 
Talk to me offline and I can look at the patches and send you in the right 
direction on how to resolve this.  The big issue with the sofia-sip in the 
freeswitch tree currently is that its set to build as a convenience lib not a 
normal libtool lib, I'll have to change that back and then make it an option 

> On May 19, 2016, at 4:52 AM, Antonis Tsakiridis 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Michael, 
> First off, sorry for the late reply. Ok so what I did was to essentially 
> replace openssl with boringssl in the auto tools build scripts and then allow 
> Sofia to gather it's dependencies from the webrtc static lib that includes 
> boringssl. Some points:
> Been trying to figure our a 'central' repository for Sofia SIP code, so that 
> I can contribute back to, but haven't been able to. I seem to recall a 
> gitorious repo but that doesn't seem to be around anymore. I see that you 
> have been involved with Sofia for the Freeswitch project, so maybe you can 
> give me some pointers?
> Before contributing back I'd like to improve my contribution so that instead 
> of replacing openssl with boringssl, to add it on top, so that a developer 
> can chose during configure time which of the two they need. The problem is 
> that I'm not that proficient with auto tools and it would take me forever to 
> do so. Do you have auto tools know-how? If so would you be interested in 
> contributing that part your self so that the community can benefit from a 
> more generic solution?
> Best regards,
> Antonis
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Michael Jerris < 
> <>> wrote:
> I'm interested
> On Monday, February 15, 2016, Antonis Tsakiridis 
> < <>> 
> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I just wanted to let you know that we 've been working with Sofia SIP and 
> successfully combined it with Google's WebRTC native library for iOS and 
> lately we managed to integrate the TLS part also. 
> We did have some issues on the TLS integration due to the fact that Sofia is 
> configured to work with OpenSSL, while WebRTC library already includes 
> BoringSSL, and putting them all together was causing us trouble. So our 
> solution was to change the auto tools configuration so that instead of 
> OpenSSL it uses WebRTC library which includes Boring SSL and that did the 
> trick. Would you be interested in such integration?
> Best regards 
> -- 
> Antonis Tsakiridis
> Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax
> <>
> <>
> -- 
> Antonis Tsakiridis
> Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at TeleStax
> <>
> <>

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