Good day, i have encoutered a problem witn an invite parsing sent to sofia
Looks like it does not like the following syntax

a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000/1

The call is refused with the reason 400 bad description, a call is accepted
if the rtpmap does not have /1 at the end:

a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

As per rfc

a=rtpmap:<payload type> <encoding name>/<clock rate> [/<encoding parameters>]

Looks like the encoding parameters produce an issue here, encoding
parameters are the "channels" you can seem them here:

The problem is reproduced on freeswitch and Janus webrtc gateway.

The logs i have are not so explicit, so i had to test different
scenarios to be sure:

soa_set_remote_sdp(static::0x7f54200192d0, (nil), 0x7f542002040a, 583) called
nua(0x7f54200102f0): INVITE server: error parsing SDP

nua: nua_invite_server_respond: entering
tport_tsend(0x7f54200038a0) tpn = UDP/
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x7f54200038a0): not found by name UDP/
tport_vsend(0x7f54200038a0): 586 bytes of 586 to udp/
tport_vsend returned 586
nta: sent 400 Bad Session Description for INVITE (780)

Any ideas how to solve that ?

Gregoriy Dobrovolskyy
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