That would be great Oliver! My german is kind of rusty so I only grasp
about a third of what is being said, so if you were to switch to english
presentations I would seriously consider attending. It is not a very long
drive from Copenhagen.


Den 24. april 2012 kl. 19:37 skrev Oliver Weingarten <>:

> I´m planing the SOFTIMAGE|UeberTage 2012 event this year again. I´m trying
> to get a nice lineup together with making ofs and new developments around
> our good old SOFTIMAGE. Currently I´m getting the sponsors together to
> finance our event this year. I´m on a good way, so far ;-)
> Here is my question to the list.
> I was thinking to convert our "German" event into an "international" event.
> All the presentations would then be held in English, of course.
> I don´t know, if the feedback coming from the list and the international
> communities will be big enough to take this step.
> Like in the past years, the event is going to take place in Siegen/Germany
> around late September, early October. Siegen is a about 1,5 hours by
> car/train from the international airports Cologne or Frankfurt. The costs
> for accommodation are moderate.
> So let me know what you think.
> Cheers,
> oliver
> PS: I´ve also started a thread on si-community. So if you like, post your
> thoughts..THANKS!
> <>

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