Hi Enrique,

You can still (as suggested by Stefan) subscribe to the siOnValueChanged
which will give you back a reference to the parameter to retrieve its new
A good option would be to implement a custom engine.
You can imagine a mechanism implemented in your main SynopticWidget which
will be responsible to catch the xsi parameters bound to your sliders
(acting like a mapping).
For convenience, you should also implement a custom slider widget ala
softimage reproducing the main signals/slots of the existing QSlider.
Then a good API to bind/add a slider to a xsi parameter could be something
like "mysynoptic.addSlider("mysiobject.kine.posx")", behind the scenes
everything would be handled by your custom synoptic ....
If you're worried by the performances especially with python, you still
have the option to implement everything in cplusplus which should be faster
in communicating with qt widgets and create a command to add xsi parameters
you synoptic. Considering the type of the parameter (string, float,
whatever), your engine would be capable of install and bind the right

  handle by (siOnValueChanged)
SynopticWidget   ---- contains and bind to xsi parameters ---->
                          ---- contains and bind to xsi parameters ---->
SynopticController (why not to recreate a facial panel, its just 2d
graphics ...)
                          ---- contains and bind to xsi parameters ---->


2012/5/7 Stefan Kubicek <s...@tidbit-images.com>

> I'm just diving into it as well, but the way I'd do it is to implement a
> siOnTimeChange event
> that either calls a function in your UI (or menu) to update it's
> parameters, or, if you want the UI
> to respond to value changes happening without the time slider being moved
> (somebody changes a parameter
> through scripting or the normal Softimage interface) you probably have to
> implement an onValueChanged event.
> How sophistivated this event is (whether it checks for what values
> actually have changed and whether the Qt
> UI has to be upated or not, or whether it just stupidly calls the "Update
> QT UI" function every time) comes down
> to performance. Keep it simple first and optimize if required.
> Would love to hear more ideas on this as well.
>  Just bringing this thread back to life.
>>  We are getting more into using PYQT here and I am looking into completely
>> replacing synoptics and use PYQT instead.
>> I was hoping somebody could help me figure out how to get information from
>> XSI sent to PYQT currently everything that I have done has been the
>> opposite, where PYQT drives something, but does very little evaluation of
>> the scene.
>> An example would be.
>> When a characters facial animation is animated, and the time slider
>> scrubs,
>> I will need the PYQT slider that drives that facial animation to detect
>> the
>> value change in XSI and show its new value in the menu.
>> Currently I don't really know how to do that, as the example SignalSlot
>> function that comes with this implementation only covers something with a
>> registered event.
>> Do I need to create onValueChanged events for every value on the rig?
>> any help would be awesome, I'm pretty new to PYQT still.
>> thanks,
>>  Enrique
>> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Enrique Caballero <
>> enriquecaball...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  For those of us using linux, is there an out of box PYQT implementation
>>> such as this that we can use?
>>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Alok Gandhi <alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com>*
>>> *wrote:
>>>  Oh ok, thanks for the info Steven.
>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  well for your reference, i am using Alan Jones' cmake softimage module.
>>>>> it automates a lot of the process for creating softimage plugins with
>>>>> cmake. it can be found in the src\CMake\Modules folder. its very handy
>>>>> :)
>>>>> s
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Alok Gandhi <alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com
>>>>> >**wrote:
>>>>>  Yep that works too, I knew that it did not need shader lib for sure,
>>>>>> but was not sure, so I set the path anyways.
>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>  well it doesn't need that actually, let the entry in the cmake gui
>>>>>>> stay red. just hit generate... does this work for you?
>>>>>> --
>>>> --
> --
> ------------------------------**-------------
> Stefan Kubicek                   Co-founder
> ------------------------------**-------------
>          keyvis digital imagery
>         Wehrgasse 9 - GrĂ¼ner Hof
>           1050 Vienna  Austria
>        Phone:    +43/699/12614231
> --- www.keyvis.at  ste...@keyvis.at ---
> --  This email and its attachments are
> --confidential and for the recipient only--

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