hi I’ve got some characters with pointclouds in them, and in the rendertree I’m 
looking up a few (vector) attributes I added in the ICEtree. (non simulated)
I’m looking up values from the emit location on the particles, eg. normals and 
UV coordinates in my case
its working fine – but when I bring these models in a scene as reference 
models, the attributes dont show up at first. (it shows up as the default value 
when no attribute is found).
when I go in the rendertree and select the attributes again manually (and thus 
create a delta) it seems to fix it – though I’m a bit worried as I have a lot 
of scenes and assets coming up and want something reliable – not something that 
will every so often ruin my renders.

is this one of those ICE optimisations, where the attribute doesnt get created ?

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