Very beautiful!!

On Tue, 15 May 2012 13:37:45 +0200, Vladimir Jankijevic <> wrote:

Hi Gang,

here is a small sneak peak of one of the things that I presented at this
event. Todd is preparing the recordings of the event so they can be
uploaded for a wider audience.

have fun:


On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 8:23 AM, <> wrote:

Hi Guys -

I know it's super-short notice but let's hope it's not too short...  In
the spirit of the excellent ICE workshop that Bradley Gabe did that was
hosted by the Mill, we were hoping to try to keep the ball rolling by
hosting a similar event at Psyop with different folks and of course
different material.

This time around Vladimir Jankijevic of Elefant Studios in Switzerland has agreed to head up the lineup and there's a couple of other out-of-towners
in NY who've expressed interest in presenting material as well.

I think the idea is to make this somewhat loosely-structured and organic
event divided roughly in to halves or thirds (depending on the number of

The date and time we're looking at is Satruday, the 21st April between 3
to 5pm.  You can RSVP at the link below:

Due to size considerations we're probably going to have to cap the # of
attendees at about 25 heads, on a first-come first-serve basis. Any people past that number will be added to a waiting list if it gets really crazy.

Thanks, and hope to see people there!

-Todd Akita

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