I know what you mean and I'm afraid not. Nobody's made one yet.

Some handy tips though:
* ctrl+r to cycle through functions in the current file
* if you install SublimeCodeIntel, alt+click on a function and it should
find the relevant file and pop it open to the line with that function
* ctrl+p to cycle through open files

Of course like everything that pops up the command panel, autocomplete is
built-in and works great.

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Guillaume Laforge <
guillaume.laforge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> By the way, is there any package in Sublime to list all the class/methods
> in an explorer a la Eclipse "Outline view" ?
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Xavier Lapointe <xl.mailingl...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Sweet (: Make sure to install Package Control (the link Alan sent), they
>> are all in there.
>> 2012/5/29 Guillaume Laforge <guillaume.laforge...@gmail.com>
>>> Thanks for the link Xavier :), I will give it a try !
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Xavier Lapointe <
>>> xl.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> https://github.com/Kronuz/SublimeCodeIntel does this for you, but
>>>> maybe it's not as good as PyDev ... not sure.
>>>> But yes, the Python Debugger is a missing point. There's one I've seen
>>>> in the Package Control called SublimeXDebug
>>>> https://github.com/Kindari/SublimeXdebug, but it's probably not as
>>>> good as PyDev or Komodo (i remember we could visually inspect the Python
>>>> stack).
>>>> This guy has a good amount of package that you can install to enhance
>>>> the Sublime: https://github.com/Kronuz
>>>> Cheers
>>>> 2012/5/29 Guillaume Laforge <guillaume.laforge...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Did you find any good python debugger package for Sublime ? For me it
>>>>> is the missing point, but maybe I didn't search correctly ?
>>>>> Also the auto-completion is cool but doesn't search for imported
>>>>> modules and doesn't filter methods on instantiated objects:-/
>>>>> All those stuffs are standard in Eclipse/PyDev.
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Alok Gandhi <
>>>>> alok.gandhi2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Sublime has tons of autocompletion feature, for example in one stroke
>>>>>> you generate code for a class with all the necessary function like
>>>>>> __init__. You can do multiline edit with just one change. If you have a
>>>>>> variable 'foo' in used in multilines of your code, you can change it at 
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> place and all the other occurrences gets updated. There is a whole gamut 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> color coding with infinite color combinations. You can define your own
>>>>>> color coding. There are just few of the features. I can not do much 
>>>>>> justice
>>>>>> to it as I personally do not use it a lot, but I always hear great things
>>>>>> about it. May be others can fill you on in this. But remember that 
>>>>>> sublime
>>>>>> is only a text editor, not an IDE.
>>>> --
>>>> Xavier
>> --
>> Xavier

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