yes fair point, we've had plenty enough of *those* type threads already.
Apologies for the derailment into doom and for depressing Olivier...
 mais oui!

on a lighter note, I tried Naiad out for a month, thought it
was fantastically fast in comparison to others, would severely love to be
able to use it again with Softimage in the future.. we may get tossed some
loose Naiad change if we beg/complain hard enough like the Max guys did for
their recent  SAP/Suites disparity.

squeaky wheel gets the oil and all that

On 14 August 2012 18:47, Steven Caron <> wrote:

> come on guys softimage is still going, lets not have another one of these
> doom and gloom prediction threads.
> again, this is our secret weapon...

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