You all probably remember my last rant when dev moved to asia..... i was pretty explicit.
I will be more Zen this time..  I think..

(dont think i dont trust the new guys out there) . I am sure they will impress us with cool goodies! If they are not popped out of the equation soon enough too.

But now, Guillaume, Stephen, Chinny.........are not there anymore.    If i am correct, only cool Manny is still there for support?  Luc-Eric are you still at Autodesk?....I didnt see if you we're part of the layoffs..

I can only say massive good words for all the team that was there. The most passionate and carefull peoples i have ever seen in a software familly.  I feel very sad.
This is how we are at SHED. Very passionate people all togheter as a small familly of underdogs with the same goals and pride. This is one of the reason Softimage had such a strong soul on wich we could identify to.

The worst thing that could happen is that everyone start jumping out of the boat too fast.  We must still keep on going with it guys.  And show autodesk that we love Softimage.  Even tought if it doesnt meet the economic goals, it will probaly vanish away.   Buy your subscriptions, your new seats, etc.  It is the only way to make it live longer.  No petitions or facebook group will change anything in this field of economics for a public company.  Only Excel sheets numbers matters.

It was nice having you around with us for our friday beer Guillaume, we wish you, and all the others bros,  the best you all really deserves.  And god (whoever that is) knows you deserves better.

having that said, ..... I Fuck autodesk up in the .ass using an 1,000,000 polygons 18 wheeler with 1000 procedurally loaded stand-ins waiting in line!  
Dam i am not Zen at all.    I was convinced I would be!

Nonetheless, we will always remember you guys.



Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025


Friday, August 31, 2012 8:40 PM
Stephen and Guillaume were inspiring Autodesk staff, and I feel certain I will continue to be inspired by them both in the future wherever life takes them.

Autodesk certainly hasn't impressed me with this move, or in general over the last few years. But despite my griping I'm still bullish on Softimage and have high hopes for the guys in Singapore. We'll see what comes, and if the software has legs to thrive despite foolish AD decision making. If not, as others point out there is a lot of potential competition brewing.

If I had to make a guess about the state of things 5-6 years from now I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of us weren't using multiple smaller packages as opposed to an all in one solution like we do now, perhaps custom tools made by TDs for each studio, using something like fabric. That's not a bad future to contemplate.

On Aug 31, 2012, at 4:10 PM, Alan Fregtman <> wrote:

Friday, August 31, 2012 4:10 PM
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Laforge too?? Sad day. :(

I will greatly miss you both. I hope you still lurk here from time to time.

Thank you for the exceptional support through all these years. You guys rock!

   -- Alan

Friday, August 31, 2012 8:05 AM
Guillaume Laforge is also in the 7% ..... What the F*^%^%^ AD.

Good luck Stephen and Guillaume. You are invaluable people in the Softimage community. Hope you land in a good studio!



Friday, August 31, 2012 7:58 AM
I am so sorry to hear this news Stephen. You have been amazingly helpful to us over the years and it is quite a blow to hear this news. I most sincerely wish you the best of luck.



Friday, August 31, 2012 7:53 AM
Frankly no, the recent layoffs have affected many locations, divisions, and departments. No one in particular seems to have been singled out.

For the record, I didn’t like this news any more than anyone else.


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Chapman
Sent: 31 August 2012 12:36
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback

I wonder if this is the action of Mr. 'Mayalicious' Softimage's new product manager? I need a phone number or email address to complain to, this is a truly preposterous decision.

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