I didn't mention that yes, indeed, you could just make python bindings
to the c++ sdk, because the ideal scenario is to have it works through
the standard scripting interface. That way the history log would work,
the ppg logic, and the script remain compatible.

Marc Andre did toy around with the idea of making bindings to the c++
(with boost I think) and that could run a lot faster too but it would
mean two incompatible ways to write scripts so we hesitated.

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Raffaele Fragapane
<raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> "All" it would take is some proper python bindings of the cpp API. It could
> easily be done outside of mainwin as the cpp API was done a while ago
> diverging from the silly COM business which mainwin helps taking care of.
> It'd probably turn out better than stff like pyMEL (which has a similar
> approach) given that the cpp API is a lot close to the scripting one than
> MEL ever was to the proper Maya API.
> I had toyed with the idea a while ago, and had started looking into some
> assistend binding building, but it's a fair chunk of work, and just getting
> part of App to even register and LogMessage working required going pretty
> far up the chain (just to give you an idea).
> If you fancy a nightly project... :p

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