Melena, written by Helge and open sourced, is quite popular I
understand.  Haven't used it myself though.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Adam Sale <> wrote:
> Its been a while since I've tried the Softimage hair, but I find it so
> ridiculously buggy, to be almost unusable in 2013.
> My main issue is with the grooming. It seems like if I turn on render hairs
> while styling the guides, after a few moves of tips, or whole strands, that
> other sections of hair I've groome, suddenly pop into a different position,
> or straighten...
> What the....?
> Is anyone else experiencing this, and if so I hope its on the radar to
> fix...
> Granted, there are so many other hair solution out there today, but for
> quick jobs like the one I needed today, I tried old school, and it bit me.
> Adam

Best regards,
Ben Houston
Voice: 613-762-4113 Skype: ben.exocortex Twitter: @exocortexcom - Passionate CG Software Professionals.

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