*You should post this to the 3dPro list.* It would be nice to get some
Softimage love out there. I mean everyone on this list already knows what
Soft is capable of but others... well...

Excellent work btw!

> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Nick Angus <n...@altvfx.com> wrote:
>>  Johnnie Walker commercial completed by us last week, took around 8
>> weeks with five 3d artists and two compositors. The before and after video
>> is on the right side of screen.****
>> Completed entirely in Softimage and rendered in Vray (except sand
>> partices that were done in Fury).  It is nice to be able to sleep again
>> after this one!****
>> ** **
>> Thanks to everyone on the list that helps me out from time to timeā€¦****
>> ** **
>> http://www.altvfx.com/videos/jw.php****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> [image: Description: ALT_signature_NANGUS]****
>> ** **

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
** *Freelance for hire* **

~~ Please use my website's contact form on www.genecrucean.com for any
personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~


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