I recently solved this by computing AO in ice and using that vertex map in
the rendertree which put the AO directly in the color map and was also a
lot faster. It's resolution dependant of course, but a bit of simple
laplacian smoothing goes a long way.
On Oct 12, 2012 5:43 PM, "Chris Marshall" <chrismarshal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Haven't done much rendermap stuff before, but we're outputting some assets
> for a game engine. It appears that to render ambient occlusion into the
> rendered texture map, it has to be done as a separate pass then
> photoshopped together? As I have quite a few objects to generate these maps
> for, this is doubling my workload. Is there a way around this and render
> the AO in with the Surface Colour and Illumination map, or am I approaching
> this in the wrong way?
> Thanks
> Chris

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