The integer to string will help a lot.

Is there any sort of string to reference node available?

Or does this work some other way?

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Fabricio Chamon <> wrote:

> you can concatenate your strings: "prefix" + integer + "suffix". Now for
> integer -> string conversion there is Eric's emTools freely available:
> 2012/11/18 Adam Sale <>
>> Hey guys. Thought I would put this out there.
>> One of my artists is creating the effect of a page turning effect on a
>> book. The idea is to have hundred of pages being flipped magically by
>> another character.
>> The easiest way I found without using ICE was to take a single page
>> attach a series of chains to it, animate a singe page turn, cache it, then
>> duplicate the page, and offset the resulting caches. Works really well,
>> especially if I use 5 or 6 different chain animations to vary things up.
>> We wanted to try and use ICE to see how we could come up with a compound
>> for this mixing vector nodes and shome shapes.
>> So far we have been able to achieve most of what is needed with rotate
>> vector and mixing in a few target shapes that activate based on angle.
>> What we would like to do is construct a string, for example
>> "polymsh.cls.shape.pageOneFlopLeft_<<Integer>>.positions" where
>> <<Integer>> is a value read off a custom parameter from a given object
>> If anyone has a sample Ice tree that does something like this, or can
>> point me to a sample scene or reference that may help me work through this,
>> I would be most grateful.
>> Adam

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