On 04/12/2012 09:16, Eugen Sares wrote:
I'd have good use for a tool to place highlights/reflections.
Select a light (or any other scene object), click/move cursor over any
surface, and the light gets placed on the reflected ray of the camera
-> surface point ray.
3ds max has such a tool since forever.
For Softimage, I could only find an old script by Guy Rabiller. Did I
miss something?
Should be possible to implement this nicely with the Tools SDK, I guess.
Hi Eugen,
This is not what you want! :-) But I built a rough tool to accurately
see what I'd get reflected for a recent advert we did. I've been meaning
to work it up into a proper 'applyable' utility that lets you pick the
relevant target and reflection groups (and to constrain the target null
to the camera plane etc). Just can't find the time at the moment and
it's just sitting there. Anyhow, I quickly added a tree to a light to
pull the data out of the reflection ray and allow you to also position a
light on the ray. The scene file (2013) is here:
Your suggestion is much nicer obviously and it would be great if one of
the tool SDK experts had a crack at it! In the meantime, at least this
gives some kind of quarter way house...although I haven't checked out
Guy's tool so it might still be totally useless.