To be fair though... getting Softimage running on Linux in general isn't
for the faint of heart.

VirtualBox is cool... it's free and all. But performance wise it's quite
bad. VMWareFusion is quite speedy on my home machine. It's the only way I
run windows at home anymore.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:08 AM, Alan Fregtman <>wrote:

> I think there's been some confusion... At work I'm on Linux (CentOS 6.2)
> and my VMWare VM is virtualizing Windows 7, where Softimage runs swimmingly.
> Was it a VM virtualizing Linux and running Softimage that was the issue
> for you? I never tried that as we use Linux natively here.
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Ben Houston <> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> No way?  You mean you have a VM running Softimage on Linux?  What
>> Linux OS are you running inside of the VM?  Did you do anything
>> special to get it running?  I've wasted countless hours try to get the
>> required video card drivers to work on Linux inside of a VM.  I think
>> that cumulatively Exocortex has lost at least a couple of whole days
>> of effort trying to get to work over the last couple years -- but
>> maybe things got better with recent version of Softimage / VMWare?
>> Someone should make a webpage that describes the steps for VMWare or
>> VirtualBox as that is a huge thing, especially for us plugin
>> developers.  We've been forced to buy additional PCs or do dual boot
>> configurations.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Ben Houston
>> Voice: 613-762-4113 Skype: ben.exocortex Twitter: @exocortexcom
>> - Passionate CG Software Professionals.

Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
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