Hi Philipp,

I had the same problem with PySide. The file "*qjpeg4.dll*" from "*
C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/PyQt4/plugins/imageformats*" could not be
Maybe adding the "*plugins*" path in your code [1] helps, or just move the "
*imageformats*" directory one level up. I uploaded a minimal zipped PySide
module that works for me to


[1] *app.addLibraryPath( r"C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/PyQt4/plugins" )*
[2] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/104169643/PySide_JPEG.zip

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:22 AM, philipp.oeser <philipp.oe...@nhb.de> wrote:

> **
>  Thanx for the answers everyone,
>  some more testing shows that it appears to be related to *jpgs*.
>  pngs display fine. but jpgs fail. no matter where they come from, no
> matter where I try to display them (on a button, StandardItem,
> GraphicsView).
>  can someone give this a short try and confirm?
>  and again: all this (displaying jpgs) is working fine in both maya and
> nuke...
>  Thanx again in advance
>  Philipp
> "philipp.oeser" <philipp.oe...@nhb.de> hat am 5. Februar 2013 um 20:07
> geschrieben:
>  Hi list,
> first of all: thanx again for bringing PyQT to Softimage!
> (it's just so much nicer to be able to do UIs for SI, Nuke and Maya in
> _one_ go :))
> But: I was wondering if someone else is having trouble getting QIcons to
> show in PyQT for Softimage?
> I have some code that runs fine in Maya and Nuke (it shows the icons with
> QStandardItems in a QTreeView)
> but the exact same code/ui-file just doesnt show the Icons in Softimage...
> ======= something like this ===============
> oTasksModel = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
> oRootItem = oTasksModel.invisibleRootItem()
> self.ui.UI_tv_Tasks.setModel(oTasksModel)
> sTask = 'taskname'
> oTaskItem = QtGui.QStandardItem(sTask)
> sFullPath = 'validpath'
> oIcon = QtGui.QIcon(sFullPath)
> oTaskItem.setIcon(oIcon)
> # it seems to be taken, if you print out oTaskItem.icon(), it will print
> # <PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon object at 0x000....>
> oRootItem.appendRow(oTaskItem)
> ==================================
> Has this been done succesfully? Or can someone confirm it is not working?
> Should I dig deeper?
> Thanx in advance
> Philipp
>  P.S. using PyQt-Py2.6-x64-gpl-4.9.5-1 and PyQtForSoftimage_beta5

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