brilliant!! thanks Stephen!

2013/2/15 Stephen Blair <>

>  o = Selection(0)
> a = o.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials")
> x = new VBArray( a.DataArray2D ).toArray()
> y = new VBArray( x[0] ).toArray()
> for ( var i = 0; i < y.length; i++ )
> {
>     LogMessage( y[i] )
> }
> On 15/02/2013 4:16 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:
> Here's the Python way:
> Application.SelectObj("Pedestrian_Mesh.Actor_Copies", None, None);
> o = Application.Selection(0)
> a = o.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials")
> print len(a.DataArray2D)
> print len(a.DataArray2D[0] )
> print a.DataArray2D[0][0]
> for s in a.DataArray2D[0][0]:
>     print s
> # 1
> # 1
> # (u'', u'Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Shoes',
> u'Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Hair',
> u'Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Legs',
> u'Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Skin',
> u'Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Shirt')
> # Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Shoes
> # Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Hair
> # Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Legs
> # Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Skin
> # Sources.Materials.PedestrianLib.Shirt
> On 15/02/2013 3:48 PM, Fabricio Chamon wrote:
>  ...but how to access the string array (values) of this attribute?
> 2013/2/15 Stephen Blair <>
>>  Hi
>> It is a string.
>> // Using one of the CrowdFX sample scenes:
>> SelectObj("Pedestrian_Mesh.Actor_Copies", null, null);
>> o = Selection(0)
>> //o.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials").DataArray.toArray()
>> // WARNING : 3391 - This ICEAttribute doesn't refer to a 1D array:
>> <Attribute: Materials>
>> a = o.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials")
>> LogMessage( a.DataType )
>> // INFO : 131072
>> On 15/02/2013 3:08 PM, Fabricio Chamon wrote:
>> thanks guys! I rebuilt the scene and started incremental saving
>> too...Really hard scenario to work on, I hope this will get fixed soon.
>>  Another question: it seems really easy, but I can't get the ActorCopies
>> ICE materials array via script. I feel it should be a singleton(which it
>> is), 1D Array. This js code:
>> oActorCopies.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials").DataArray.toArray()
>>  returns:
>>  This ICEAttribute doesn't refer to a 1D array: <Attribute: Materials>
>>  and
>> oActorCopies.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetICEAttributeFromName("Materials").
>> *DataArray2D*.toArray()
>>  returns
>>  ERROR : Type mismatch
>>  any clues ?

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