yes, its normal. its a good way of keeping all the non hardcore
simulationists away. :)  but seriously, try and think about what you are
asking it to do, its very easy to ask it (Lagoa) the impossible which can
be frustrating, this is why there are presets to start from.
disappearing sims is preferable to a crash in my opinion, its a reminder
that it could almost cope with all the multiphysics you asked for but gave
up and just needs one more setting tweak to fix...

ie see this test here - disappears all the time

increasing substeps helps but also did lowering the pressure settings and
collision sizes whilst also increasing the 'quality' or resolution of the
emitters, (eg in my case do not leave on automatic kernel radius)

if you are careful with balance of all settings it will work what you want
to achieve AND not disappear or explode. but not on a friday.

hope that helps!

On 25 March 2013 21:45, Roman Kaelin <> wrote:

> hey!
> did anyone ever have a problem with disappearing lagoa sims? i'm trying to
> solve inelastics and elastics
> , breakable structure kind of thing. it works fine at lowres and as soon
> as i up my resolution or increase the substeps the point cloud just
> completely disappears after a bunch of frames?? the bounding box of the
> point cloud seems to be wrong and off too... any help appreciated!
> geerz,
> roman

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