Eric Mootz does...

then again, if softimage is not just a particle plugin, EMtopolizer is not just 
an exporter...

From: Dan Yargici 
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 10:37 PM
Subject: [OT] Anyone got a working Realflow bin exporter?

Hi all, I've downloaded the Softimage - Realflow connectivity plugin to try and 
export a .bin file from Soft but the addon appears to be incomplete. 

I get these errors:

// ERROR : 2000 - Argument 0 (PresetObj) is invalid
// ERROR : 2027-EDIT-AddICENode - Invalid preset argument, cannot load 
RfBinExportData - [line 555 in 
// ERROR : 2028-CUST-rf_bin_export_data - Invalid argument specified.
rf_bin_export_data(null, null);

Line 55 is:
var exportDataNode = AddICENode("RfBinExportData", iceTree);

and after nosing around is seems there are no compounds whatsoever being 
installed by the addon.  Opening it in a text editor also reveals the same 

I guess whoever packaged it up forgot to add all the relevant folders!

So, does any kind soul out there have a working version they'd like to share 
(off list) perchance?



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