hey ho chung

thanks for the response! i am well aware of this example code and have been
referencing it already, my question still stands.

if you look at the example at line 118-124

CStringArray outStateCustomType(1);
outStateCustomType[0] = L"GridWalkState_v1";

st = nodeDef.AddOutputPort(ID_OUT_OutState, outStateCustomType,
siICENodeStructureSingle, siICENodeContextComponent0D, L"Out

why is it a string array? why not just a single CString? can i put two data
types into one output port? doesn't make sense. i am trying to understand
if there is some trick or benefit for having the argument be an array of
strings vs a single string


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Ho Chung Nguyen <
hochung.ngu...@autodesk.com> wrote:

> You can connect to the SDK example workgroup and check out this custom ICE
> node
> <InstallationPath>\XSISDK\examples\workgroup\Addons\CustomICENodes\cppsrc_gridwalker\GridWalker.cpp

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