Oh nvm, I just realized they are directly linked together, changing one
also changes the other.  Makes sense now.

Chris Covelli

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 1:04 AM, Chris Covelli

> I suppose this would be a good place to ask......something Ive always
> wondered.  I understand the controls on the Projection Plane tab well
> enough, but on the Primitive tab, under the Pict and Pixel Ratio sliders
> theres one called Feild of View, which seems adjust the lens distortion
> similar to the focal length, but on a 1-180 degree scale.  Whats this one
> for and how is it supposed to be used in conjunction with the focal length
> controls?
> Thanks!
> Chris Covelli
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> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Raffaele Fragapane <
> raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> The director might need to read into the fundamentals of his job.
>> In first place the focal length doesn't mean much without knowing how big
>> the film back is and where it is.
>> 40mm on a m4/3 (or any small sensor) is a fairly long lens, like shallow
>> depth portrait long. On an Epic it's actually closer to a 37mm on a 35's
>> film back, and on a 35's film back it's a natural lens.
>> Assuming that, like many, he assumes the 35mm film standard (not to be
>> confused with a 35mm focal length), you should set your film back to a 35mm
>> full frame sensor settings, and then whatever focal length will match his
>> expectations.
>> If he refers to lenses he shot plates with, he needs to let you know what
>> they were shot with.
>> Shooting with a GH3, a m4/3 black magic, a 5D MIII, a Phantom or an Epic
>> all respond from wildly to slightly differently to focal lengths.
>> The settings in Soft make perfect sense, and the ones in Maya don't
>> differ really, just some of the camera settings are actually stashed away
>> or slightly odd.
>> It's time to study the basics of photography/camera work if you think the
>> ones in Soft don't make sense. The only difference is Maya might have
>> defaults and things hidden away that for the one sequence happened to be
>> lucky, but the two apps don't differ.
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Ben Beckett <nebbeck...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Sorry maybe I have confussed I mean the standard numbers such as 40mm
>>> 35mm 22mm lenz, When he said lets try a 40mm lenz how does that equate in
>>> soft
>>> Thanks
>>> On 18 April 2013 11:10, Jens Lindgren <jens.lindgren....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Yeah the Film Aperture should really be in mm in Softimage... Don't get
>>>> why it's in inches.
>>>> /Jens
>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Leonard Koch <
>>>> leonardkoch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I would think because mm is the standard in focal lengths.
>>>>> Lenses' focallengths and also sensor sizes - which also play a role in
>>>>> how much the camera sees - are always given in mm.
>>>>> On Apr 18, 2013 11:44 AM, "Ben Beckett" <nebbeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Maya's cameras clearly have a defined Focal Length Tab.
>>>>>> Where in Soft is this because sitting with the Driector yesterday
>>>>>> soft really did it self no favours, I was telling him how it a great app 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> but he now not having any of it.
>>>>>> On the camera prop's menu there is the Focal Length but its in (mm)
>>>>>> , can it be switch, and why mm's.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Ben
>>>> --
>>>> Jens Lindgren
>>>> --------------------------
>>>> Lead Technical Director
>>>> Magoo 3D Studios <http://www.magoo3dstudios.com/>
>> --
>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
>> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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