Yes, I'm pretty sure there's no way around always get a frame number.

On 07/05/2013 6:09 AM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
AFAIK it's not part of the tokenization.
If you are generating them by script though it should be trivial to rename them by the same script after the fact, unless your script is just a submitter unaware of when the rendering is finished, in that case, if you use any, render management softwares usually allow for post-write procedures and you should be calling the job with one passed on to do it after the fact.

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Christian Gotzinger < <>> wrote:

    I'm rendering hundreds of different files via script. I can rename
    the files afterwards, but it'd be nice if I could render them out
    correctly right away.

    On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Pete Edmunds
    < <>> wrote:

        can't you rename it once it rendered?

        On 7 May 2013 10:07, Christian Gotzinger
        < <>> wrote:

            Hi list,

            Is there a way to set up a pass such that the rendered
            file does not contain the frame number?
            I want my file to be called "filename.png", not

            Thank you


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