Have you looked at Eric Mootz's Vertex Tagger?  I think it's part of
emTools, which are free.  You can use it to build growing polygon effects.


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Morten Bartholdy <x...@colorshopvfx.dk>wrote:

> **
>   I am working on an effect which could be done by animating an
> extrude/inset of polygons while deleting or hiding the rest of the
> polygons, effectively making a polygon grow from very small until it forms
> the shape of an object together with all it adjacent polygons.
> Now I would like to do this dynamically, ie. either drive the effect along
> the object using one or more of the following methods: a weightmap
> gradient, an animated texture map, a null which initiates the change or a
> volume which initiates the effect. This means it would probably be a good
> idea to set it up in ICE. I have gone through the sample scenes to see if
> there are bits and pieces I can use, but I am wondering if there are
> specific tools or tutorials available that could help me achieve this
> effect.
> Any tips and pointers are much appreciated - thanks!
> Morten

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