At Triggerfish my IT guy had setup a kickstart sytem that deployed both a Linux setup to our render nodes and a windows one to the workstations. If you like I can find out the procedure to do it. It did work very well, especially on the Linux side, we could build a render node complete in about 10 - 15 mins ready to render again.


On 16/05/2013 19:04, Francois Lord wrote:

In my never ending quest to find a way to install Softimage automatically and simply on all machines, I have yet again hit a road block. Last year, after several days of failed attempts, I resorted to installing it manually on my machine and copying the folder on the other machines. I had to copy the ProductInformation.pit file from C:\Program Data and I had to run the runonce.bat file. And then all was well and dandy. Easily scriptable and no human intervention required.

This year however, things seem different. When I do the same, Softimage can't find a license. This is where the ProductInformation.pit file was required last year, but it seems it's not enough now.

I noticed there is a new License.env file in the Application\bin folder. But it contains the right informations about our license server since I ran the installer on my machine. I don't know if it has anything to do with all this.

Any one has bits of info on this?



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