
I've been away from XSi for about two years due to illness, but am back working 
on a project. So, this may be very easy for you guys to answer. I'm feeling 
noobness here, having forgotten so many things!

I'm trying to make a small sphere look like a light source, illuminating part 
of the scene, which is only lit by final gathering and a globe HDR object. I'm 
pretty sure I've done this successfully before, but it's failing me this 

I can't make the sphere a constant material, because I want it to use many of 
the attributes of the architectural shader. In other words, I want it to be a 
reflective ball which is glowing and emitting light. I like the simplified 
emulated reflections i was getting by using optimizations in the architectural 
shader (also the rendering time advantage). So, I tried putting a point light 
inside it, which has somewhat fouled up the nice surface I had going with the 
architectural shader. And there is no 'incandescence' in this shader to make it 
appear glowing. I don't want to see the actual point light in the render, but I 
do want the ball itself to be a bit luminous.

 I'm also having a lot of trouble with the light attenuation using the 
exponent. Does anyone have any idea how to measure 'Softimage units' in ones 
scene? Do they relate to say, the sphere radius I am using? Or is that a whole 
'nother thing....

Anyone who can give me some ideas or point me to some info about this glowing 
sphere light thing, much appreciated... Seems so rudimentary...


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