Holy... that's eyecandy. Thanks for sharing that. Very inspirational.


On 05/07/2013, at 18.05, Simon Reeves <si...@simonreeves.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Here at Analog we've just finished up working on a commercial directed by 
> Smith & Foulkes with Nexus for Honda, and I convinced the guys here to give 
> Softimage a go ;) 
> http://www.analogstudio.co.uk/work/honda
> quoting from the link above (because it is true): 
> 'We were responsible of the assembly of the multiple shots, remove props, 
> track all the objects, shade, light and render everything. All of the FX 
> animation, compositing and grading also happened under one roof at Analog. We 
> shared the modelling with Nexus since it was a massive undertaking with so 
> many products. Nexus also provided us with the amazing character animations 
> and the subtle physical secondary movements of the objects.'
> Soft was very handy considering we were working on long shots, with so many 
> models (3/4 passes for each object, 13 objects ish in one shot I think)
> We had all the animation cached out of max from Nexus, and I wrote scripts to 
> clean up obj's, hook up all the objects to their respective caches through 
> ICE, and transfer materials/clusters when we had to bring in new models 
> revisions. Considering how much cache there was moving around soft handled it 
> well! 
> Oh and we rendered in VRay, as the guys here are used to using it for years 
> from Max so I think that helped the transition to Soft!
> Also, interesting working with another studio like that! I've not done 
> something like that before really....
> Cheers!
> Simon Reeves
> London, UK
> si...@simonreeves.com
> www.simonreeves.com

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